Saturday, December 19, 2009

Backyard first laps

Got in two laps on the backyard loop today.  It was pretty tough on the frozen ground without studs of any kind.  I think it's going to be a good little practice loop.  Obviously it's very tight.  It'll be a mix of 1st and 2nd gear.  I left in a any log crossings that were there and I see a couple other trees that are ready to go that I'm going to try to get to fall onto the loop.  One log crossing requires a 90-degree wheelie.  When run backwards it will be a turn immediately after the log.

15" of snow coming in tonight, so probably  won't get much time in on the lap.  Still trying to decide if I'll put studs on the bike or leave regular tires on for Mototown.

ALSO:  Went to Steve's shop in Avon today and he was nice enough to mount up the Timbren bump stops on the Tacoma's rear suspension.  They should make towing more comfortable.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Backyard Single-track

Took out the gas hedge trimmer today and started cutting some singletrack in the back yard.  I had a very small loop (about 0.2 mi) before, but it was pretty hard to get any kind of rhythm going or to get out of first gear.  This is going to be around 0.7 I hope.  I looked onto the property behind us, but I found a new-looking hunter's tree stand, right near the property line, so I assume that some one is back there pretty often.

The hedge trimmer isn't quite the right tool.  What I really need is the brush cutter attachment for my machine.  Off to Home Depot to try to find one.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2010 Events

Ed, Steve, and I went to the Comp/Sanction meeting today.  An 8 hour meeting.  There were several rule change proposals to make big changes to enduros - basically taking away timekeeping.  All of them failed.  As a fan of timekeeping, I'm glad.  We already have a hare scramble series, we don't need another one.

12 Enduros on the schedule for next year, with a string of 3 that will require long travel all in a row.  I'm looking forward to next season

Link to the CALENDAR.